Blasphemous skins
Blasphemous skins

blasphemous skins

You will not be allowed to open the pause menu during the fight so make sure you have all the beads and prayers you want equipped beforehand. To unlock the boss battle you’ll need to bring 30 bones to the Ossuary. I would strongly advise getting Quirce’s Scorched Bead from the Wall of Holy Prohibitions and the Piece of a Golden Mask from The Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage before this fight. Next you’ll want to tackle Isidora, Voice of the Dead. Isidora Voice of the Dead, one of the toughest bosses in the DLC | Image courtesy The Game Kitchen/Team 17 Killing Sierpes yields the Broken Left Eye of the Traitor and the Echo and Shadow Skin. It’s attacks are fairly easy to dodge and it goes down fairly easily if you’re in the late game. I’d advise going after this boss first simply because it’s easier. If you’re approaching the area in a first play through however you can get there by following these steps. Doing this you can even fight it as the first boss of the game. If you are trying to do this on an NG+ file you can sequence break and get to the boss from the right side of Echoes of Salt near Perpetva’s tomb using The Young Mason’s Wheel and the Brilliant Heart of Dawn. The first boss you’ll want to tackle is Sierpes, who can be found in the new Mourning and Havoc area. Blasphemous True Ending: The Optional Bosses You can find these by beating the two new optional bosses added in the DLC. It will ask you to find it’s stolen eyes. Here you’ll find a new Holy Visage imprisoned in the roots of the Knot of the Three Words. Then progress through the room as normal. Go through it and hit the wall immediately to the left for the Heart of a Miura Rosary bead. Once you give Diosdado the key this ornate door will appear next to him. Head through the door to find the next Holy Visage | Images courtesy The Game Kitchen/Team 17 Now go back to the room where you first met him and he’ll accept the key.

blasphemous skins

When you exit Diosdado will thank you and give you the Young Mason’s Wheel rosary. Kill the ghost and enter the room with the Oil of the Pilgrims. You’ll find a ghost hitting a stone against a wall. To stop the noise travel to the location on the map above and equip the Shroud of Dreamt Sins. When you talk to him he’ll complain about hearing a loud banging somewhere in the library. He won’t help you with the key just yet though, you’ll need to finish his side quest quest first.

blasphemous skins

When you reach the Library of Negated Words you’ll find Diosdado, the keeper of the keys, in one of the first few rooms. You’ll need to get rid of this ghost first | Images courtesy The Game Kitchen/Team 17 Go talk to him and he’ll give you the Key Grown from Twisted Wood and instructions to bring it to the Library of Negated Words. He’ll be waiting in a room you can reach using the Blood Perpetuated in Sand. There’s a convenient teleportation gate in the Ferrous Tree if you don’t want to waste time walking all the way back there. Esdras will give you Taranto to My Sister and then head to The Brotherhood of the Silent Sorrow. Upon meeting Esdras at the bridge the pre-fight cutscene will start as normal but will then be interrupted by Perpetva. Head back to the Brotherhood of the Silent Sorrow to talk to Esdras | Images courtesy The Game Kitchen/Team 17 Now you can proceed as normal to the bridge. She’ll give you a new key item, the Incomplete Scalpular. You can find her grave in the newly expanded Echoes of Salt in the location shown on the above map. If you already have a save where you killed him, you’ll either need to start another one or ascend the save. To start the new route, you must visit Perpetva’s grave BEFORE you kill Esdras. Make sure to visit Perpetva before facing Esdras at the Bridge of the Three Calvaries | Images courtesy The Game Kitchen/Team 17 Blasphemous True Ending: Before The Bridge of the Three Calvaries This guide will show you how to complete the new route. However as many players have discovered it is very easy to mess up. This new route offers challenging new bosses, a few unique items and some brand new skins. In Blasphemous a new True Ending was added alongside the Wounds of Eventide DLC.

Blasphemous skins